
Marine and Aquaculture

Get on board with flexibility, endurance and at peak performance.

The marine and naval sectors require cranes and machinery that can adapt to every different type of vessel and do not deteriorate from salt water. Flexibility, resistance and performance are crucial factors. These are cranes from the light-, medium-, and heavy-duty ranges that are suitable for all kinds of handling operations in ports and shipyards.

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From Project to Reality Our Case Histories

Fassi involved in the retrieval of a vessel

A Fassi F1400AFM.24 crane was decisive in the retrieval ...

Fassi cranes on coast guard inflatable boats

Two F110AFM.0.22 Fassi cranes are onboard Garp and Sark, ...

Is there a boat to recover? You need a Fassi crane

The Italian company Fratelli Diurno of Riva Ligure, in the[...]

A Fassi F85BFM.0.22 active marine crane on a vessel in the Netherlands

Fassi’s Dutch distributor, De Jong IJmuiden I B.V., ...